Personal details
Paul Frederik Höller was born in Hagen/Westphalia on 6 May 1983. He is married with two children. On 30 June 2022 he was appointed State Secretary at the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy in the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia.
January 2021 – June 2022: Deputy Chief Executive of Ennepe-Ruhr District Council
July 2017 – December 2020: Policy Advisor at the Ministry of Education, with responsibilities for full-day school, civic education and culture of remembrance
February 2013 – July 2017: Policy Advisor at the office of the Deputy Minister-President and Minister for School and Education
September 2010 – January 2013: Policy officer, Green Party state executive for North Rhine-Westphalia (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN NRW)
October 2008 – September 2010: Personal advisor to the leader of the Green Party NRW state branch
September 2008: Master of Arts
October 2006 – September 2008: University of Duisburg-Essen (‘Political Management, Public Policy and Administration’ at the NRW School of Governance)
September 2006: Bachelor of Arts
October 2003 – September 2006: Ruhr University, Bochum (Political Science and History)
October 2002 – July 2003: community service, Bodelschwinghsche Anstalten Bethel, Bielefeld
July 2002: Abitur university entrance certificate from Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium, Wetter (Ruhr)
October 2009 – December 2020: District councillor and leader of the Green Party in the Ennepe-Ruhr district assembly
October 2004 – October 2009: Town councillor in Wetter (Ruhr)
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